
Ohio Hi-Point’s Construction Trades students finished the school year by doing multiple community service projects around the district.

In Kenton, the Construction Trades students installed a wheelchair ramp for a community resident. The project came about after a student was approached about the idea for a capstone project by the Kenton Church of the Nazzarine for one of the congregation members. The Construction program decided to take on the project together, splitting the cost of the supplies with the church and paying for half the supplies out of the program’s Career Technical Student Organization (CTSO) account.  

The students created the blueprints, estimated the supplies costs, used power and hand tools to build sections of the ramp in the lab before transporting the sections to the site, and completed the install in Mid-May.

“This is a great opportunity for students to give back to the community and utilize the skills they’ve learned in lab for a real-world project,” said Dave Masteller, who is the program instructor.