Matthew Jarvi Profile Picture

Matthew S. Jarvi '17
Communications Technician, Northwest Regional Emergency Communications Center
Program: Supply Chain Management at Marysville High School

Why did you choose the Supply Chain Management program at Marysville?

I was first exposed to this program during Mr. Martins first year at Marysville High School. Many students where put into the supply chain class when another teacher had resigned to work within a different school district. From that first year myself and several of the other students had learned many things and began to have even more interest in the program. Then before I knew it I had graduated with the Supply Chain Certificate.

2. How did OHP and the Supply Chain Management program prepare you for your future?

The Supply Chain program prepared me in many ways. Not many classes teach you useful material that you can apply to real world scenarios anymore except for the classes within this program. I learned many things that I have applied throughout my career. This program will teach you basic career practices, logistics, sales, merchandising, etc. If you have any interest in business, communications, sales, or any other job what so ever, this program will most definitely prepare you for it.

Did you earn any credentials or college credits?

I did earn college credits throughout the Supply Chain Program through Columbus State. I also earned multiple certificates within the logistics and selling fields as well. These certificates are great resume builders.

What is your current role and responsibilities?

I am currently a Communications Technician with the Northwest Regional Emergency Communications Center. We are employed by the City Of Dublin and Dispatch for 3 Police Departments(Dublin, Hilliard, and Upper Arlington) and 3 Fire Departments (Washington Township, Norwich Township, and Upper Arlington). We also answer land line 911 calls throughout those cities and Wireless 911 calls throughout a 140 square mile radius of our jurisdictions and surrounding jurisdictions. It is a fast paced and rewarding job.

What should students know about OHP satellite programs?

These programs are here to assist in preparing you for your future with real life application. If you have the opportunity to participate in any program Ohio High Point offers, you most definitely should participate. Although the curriculum may be difficult at times the outcome is extremely rewarding. You are definitely going to be able to utilize these skills you will learn and apply them to real life situations.

Anything else you'd like to add?

I would like to thank Mr. JJ Martin for his guidance that has gotten me to a point of having an amazing career. Without the Supply Chain Program and Mr. Martin I do not believe I would be in the position that I am now. I also believe that anyone that participates within the Supply Chain Program should take the opportunity of joining that schools DECA chapter. The DECA organization is going to allow you to utilize the skills that you are learning in class in a competition based setting. DECA is an amazing organization and I am thankful I got to participate in that as well.