
The State of Ohio provides several pathways for students to earn a high school diploma. The information below is provided to help staff, families, and students understand the options available.


End-of-Course assessments are delivered during a specific 15-day window established by each district. End-of-Course state tests are one of three original pathways to earning a high school diploma in Ohio. Ohio Hi-Point administers these state tests for Government and Geometry on the Bellefontaine Campus during the testing windows listed below.

OHP Testing Days:

  • Fall 2024: December 2-20

  • Spring 2025: April 1-21

Testing will take place in Room 1003.


Ohio Hi-Point will also be administering our Career-Tech assessments, which are called WebXams, to students who are enrolled in Career-Tech courses. These assessments are required by the state of Ohio for all Career-Tech courses. The instructors administer these assessments in the classroom to their students and are required to have these completed by December 20, 2024. The spring deadline is April 18, 2025.


For more information about testing, options, and resources available, please visit the following links.


WorkKeys Assessments are an alternative pathway to show competency and earn a high school diploma in Ohio. The WorkKeys Assessments are part of the ACT workforce solutions, which measures the foundational skills required for success in the workplace and in a student's career pathway. The tests will be administered on the following days at the Bellefontaine Main Campus from 9 a.m.-12 p.m.

WorkKeys Assessment Dates

  • October 3, 2024

  • February 6, 2025

  • March 6, 2025

Testing will take place in Room 1003 and the auditorium

Below are additional resources for students who may be taking this assessment:

Graduation Requirements

Classes of 2023 and Beyond

It’s Your Future. Before you know it, you’ll be receiving your high school diploma. Ohio is giving you new ways to show the world what you can do with it. As a student entering ninth grade on or after July 1, 2019, Ohio’s new high school graduation requirements give you more flexibility to choose a graduation pathway that builds on your strengths and passions – one that ensures you are ready for your next steps and excited about the future.


Testing Administration & Security Procedures

Per the Ohio Administrative Code (OAC) section 3301-13-05 (H) and (I), it is Ohio Hi-Point Career Center’s intent to comply with the State Department of Education’s guidelines for test security. The District shall communicate the test security provisions with all District employees, students, and their families, annually in writing.

All state tests are required to be administered by qualified test administrators.

They must meet the following criteria:

  • Be a district employee

  • Have a valid license/certificate/permit issued by the Ohio Department of Education per OAC 3301-13-02 (J) (4)

  • Be considered a “de facto” employee of the district and hold a valid license/certificate/permit (examples: Local education agencies such as the Department of Developmental Disabilities, or an Educational Services Center)

  • Be a substitute teacher that the district considers an employee

Per ORC 3319.151, any teacher found assisting student in cheating on assessments or violating security procedures are subject to loss of their license and/or termination of employment.

Pre-Test security measures include:

The district follows security provisions as outlined in OAC 3301-13-05.

  • The district test coordinator (DTC) and select district administration are the only personnel with access to the TIDE system to enter student data and set rosters.

  • The DTC has the only access to print testing tickets, which include a secure student testing number.

  • Testing tickets are printed just prior to testing and placed in sealed envelopes organized according to who the testing administrator will be and in what room the testing will take place. The sealed envelopes are labeled with the 1st or 5th period teachers name and class period. They are kept locked in the DTC’s office until the morning of testing where they are handed directly to each student.

  • The DTC will use rosters created in the Ohio State Test Portal to provide test administrators with a list of students who should be tested. Only the testing tickets for the students on the roster will be placed in each teacher’s sealed envelope and handed to that student who is testing.

  • Only approved personnel are permitted in tested areas during testing times. This includes personnel designated as either the DTC, testing coordinator, test administrator, monitor, translator, or scribe.

During Testing security measures include:

The district follows security provisions as outlined in OAC 3301-13-05, 3301-13-02.

  • Attendance will be taken using the testing rosters established by the DTC. Any students not on the roster will be removed from the testing area until either they are placed on that roster and have a valid testing ticket or until other testing arrangements are made during the school day.

  • During a testing session, each student is provided with their own computer or laptop device. No sharing of computers or laptops is ever permitted.

  • Each student enters in their unique testing ticket number to access their test. No student is permitted to share ticket numbers at any time.

  • Students can only access the test once the ticket number has been verified with their name. No one can access testing questions without a ticket number. Each ticket number corresponds with the test for that student so the test cannot be taken by any other student.

  • Students can only access the test that has been opened by the testing administrator so they cannot view other tests they have not taken.

  • The test will begin once all testing tickets have been recollected and the test administrators verify all students are in the correct testing area. Testing tickets are to be placed back in a seal envelope provided by the DTC.

  • Students will be monitored by at least one qualified personnel per every thirty students.

  • Cameras and cell phones are prohibited in the testing area and no use of social media is allowable in each testing session.

  • Once the student submits their test, it has been securely sent in to the Ohio State Test Portal. No one has access to the test, questions, or answers after the student has submitted the test.

  • Following the test submission, the DTC will remove all testing computers and make sure all are appropriately shut down.

After testing security measures include:

The district follows security provisions as outlined in OAC 3301-13-05, 3301-13-02, 3301-7-01.

  • The test administrator will return the used testing tickets to the DTC.

  • The DTC verifies that all students have taken the required tests during the State approved testing window.

  • Any student who misses a test will complete the missed test(s) during scheduled make-up periods.

  • The DTC will be responsible for reprinting testing tickets as needed for make-up testing.

  • Make-up testing will be completed during the school day following the same security measures listed above.

  • Any scrap paper, notes, manuals, or other documents used during tested will be returned to the DTC immediately after testing and shredded each testing day.

Reporting Testing Incidents:

  • Testing incidents include testing irregularities, technology incidents, and security violations.

  • Security Violations include the use of cell phone/internet during testing, reproducing items, coaching, or unsecure tests.

  • Testing incidents are to be reported to the DTC immediately to be investigated further. If there is only one adult present in the room, the test administrator may wait until another adult arrives, so students are not left unattended.


If staff, families, or students have testing questions or concerns, please contact Lori Lowery, Data and Assessment Coordinator, at llowery@ohiohipoint.com, or (937) 599-3010 ext. 1332.