Career Awareness and Exploration

Elementary and Middle School Students

Welcome to OHP’s Career Awareness and Exploration resources center, your gateway to the world of career exploration for elementary and middle school students. Young children start learning about careers early as they answer what they want to be when they grow up (teacher, fireman, nurse, garbage man, professional athlete, etc.).

Our mission is simple: to ignite curiosity, uncover potential, and guide young students towards an exciting future. We offer a variety of engaging programs, including in-person lessons, career kits, summer camps, virtual tours, videos, resources, and more all designed to help students and families explore the amazing possibilities that lie ahead.

Whether you're a student, parent, or educator, let us be your trusted partner as we embark on an exciting journey to explore the great big world of careers!

Continue reading to check out a career kit (for students K-12) or find resources for your next lesson.

High School Students Teaching Elementary Students

Bring Career Exploration to your School

Our Career Exploration programs are tailor-made for elementary and middle school students. Our sessions combine engaging lesson components with interactive and hands-on activities. Your students could build candy machines, practice hairstyling, test their fitness levels as they learn about muscle function, or learn how to cook a meal. We offer programming in the following career clusters:

  • Community Services (Culinary, Cosmetology)

  • Construction

  • Education

  • Engineering

  • Healthcare

  • Marketing

  • Transportation

Educators who are interested in learning more, contact OHP Career Awareness Coordinator, Mark Butler, at

Students Learning to Tape in Exercise Science

Schedule a Visit on Campus

Looking for a fun, interactive field trip for your students? Visit OHP! We'd love to have you on campus as you take advantage of multiple hands-on activities in our labs.

Customize your visit for grade level and student numbers, and make some memories while you learn!

Email our OHP Career Awareness Coordinator, Mark Butler, at

Career Kits & Resources

Explore Your Career Cluster

Bring career education to the classroom! We have gathered lesson plans, resources, activities, and more to help you deliver engaging career content.

Each career cluster is filled with online resources and OHP program connections. Those denoted with an asterisk (*) have teacher kits (with lessons and supplies) that can be checked out and delivered right to your classroom.