

At Ohio Hi-Point, you'll find:

  • Hands-on learning in hi-tech labs

  • Strong academics that blend with your career program

  • A commitment to your success that stretches far beyond graduation 

Students can earn industry certifications, putting them ahead of the career game, as well as earn college credit for their coursework, making college more affordable for today's families.

As an OHP student, you'll spend 2.5 hours per day in your specific career pathway, gaining valuable industry credentials earning college credits. Since our students spend half of their school day in their career program and the other half completing their academic courses, you can only select one career program to enroll in at OHP. 

Due to the limited seats in our programs, we feel career exploration and career assessments are vital to finding the right career pathway. Please contact our Admissions Coordinator, Mr. Lacher, to schedule a YouScience assessment or discuss our programs' guidelines for success.

Apply in November!

Our application for the 2024-25 school year launches on Thursday, Nov. 21.

Application Process

We encourage students to apply early as seats in the programs are limited. Ohio Hi-Point will have two registration windows:

  • Priority Registration (November 21-January 13)

  • General Registration (January 14-February 10)

When our application opens on November 17, simply click the link and complete your application. Your partner school counselor will send us your transcript for our counselors and admissions team to review. Any program receiving more applications than seats in the program will have a lottery system instituted to ensure equity in the enrollment process. Admission decisions will go out in mid-February. Students receiving an accepted status have two weeks to confirm* their seat in the program.

Admission Guidelines

The following admission guidelines are reviewed:

  • Students must be a sophomore or junior in one of OHP's partner school districts.

  • Students must be on track to graduate (eight core credits for junior status, 12 for senior status).

  • GPA and attendance will no longer be part of the evaluation process.

  • Any program receiving more applications than seats in the program will have a lottery system instituted to ensure equity in the enrollment process. 

Admission Lottery Process

The lottery system will go into effect if eligible applications for a chosen program go over the number of seats available. OHP will use an electronic system to randomly select eligible applications. If the applicant earns a spot in the program, they will be notified and have the option to claim their seat in the program.

Once seats are filled in a program, eligible applicants will be placed on a waitlist. That means if Student B is in "waitlist” status and Student A declines their acceptance, Student B has the chance to get into the program depending on their lottery placement. If a student applying in the Priority Registration window receives a "waitlist" status, that student's placement in the waitlist will not change when the next lottery system is instituted in the General Registration window.

Students are encouraged to apply early so they can be reviewed in the first wave of admission decisions, which will be sent via mail and email in mid- to late February. Juniors who apply to a two-year program will only be considered after sophomore students are admitted. A student can receive the following admission decisions: 

  • Accepted - Congratulations! You meet requirements for the career program and seats are available. Your acceptance is contingent upon confirming* your seat in the program and a successful remainder of the school year.

  • Waitlist - You've met requirements, but all the program seats are filled. You can choose to remain on the waitlist in the event a seat becomes available, or ask about seat availability in a different program. Your application will then be reviewed and ranked within the new program of choice.  

  • Credit Deficient - You have not reached the minimum amount of core credits required for enrollment (8 core credits for junior status and 12 core credits for senior status). Please talk with your counselor about credit recovery. An updated transcript showing the credit recovery can be reviewed at the end of the school year. If program seats are available, you may be accepted as a half-day only student to ensure you can complete the required credits at your partner school.

*Students receiving an accepted status have one week to accept their seat in the program.


You can email our admissions team with any questions you may have about our programs, touring information, or admission processes.

Justin Lacher
Admissions Coordinator

What's Your E?

Whatever your pathway: employment, enrollment, or enlistment, OHP can help you reach your goals through hands-on, real world application. 

Industry Certifications
You'll have the opportunity to earn professional certifications, putting you in an ideal spot while job hunting since employers look for candidates with the necessary qualifications rather than paying for certifications classes.

College Credit
You can earn college credits through options such as College Credit Plus, articulated credit, and CTAG credit, easing or erasing the burden of student loan debt. Right now, OHP has CCP courses in English, Math, and Science.

Career Mentors
Our Work-Based Learning program (formerly School-to-Work) is for our high achieving students who have good grades and attendance to leave during the school day to work in their chosen career field. This is an excellent networking opportunity to gain career mentors.